Thursday, November 14, 2013

Manual de Acentuación in Spanish

This is a post about a very interesting blog I just came across, Blog de Lengua, by Alberto Bustos. Alberto Bustos is a professor of Language and Literature Pedagogics at the University of Extremadura in Spain. He has extensive experience working at universities in numerous countries. His rationale for keeping his blog is very exciting: he thinks knowledge has to be "free and accessible to everyone" and he considers that sharing his expertise is "a good way of giving back to society", a society that gave him the chance of "studying for years what" he likes best. 

I have not had time to go through all the sections in the blog but I plan to do it soon. Today I just want to point out a a great resource that Mr Bustos offers for free. It is a thorough review of the rules to place accents in Spanish. Mr Bustos explains the different kinds of accentuation patterns in Spanish and the rules of accentuation, the rules for diphthongs, "triptongos" and hiatus and even the diacritic accentuation. He also provides exercises to practice Spanish accent pattern. Overall, a great tool to be used in IB and bilingual programs.
Manual de acentuación
Bustos, Alberto. 2013. “Manual de Acentuacion”. En Blog de Lengua [documento en línea: ; acceso: 14 de noviembre de 2013].

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